Tuesday, November 08, 2005

mister pink's tell me honestly mix 03

would first of all like to loudly thank our guru, mister black,

for intoducing me to the most serene republic's underwater cinematographer

he used one track from it, "content, was always my favourite colour" in his indie cooking show

an utterly indie album, complete feeling, listening and dancing pleasure :)

really... go beloved colours, beg, steal or borrow it from any possible audio black hole

ANd..... when mister black's done with the tweaking, sweetmusicfm will come to you live!!

i'm not gonna spoil the surprise, just know that soon, soon, soon, we will be broadcasting

sweetmusicfm live! clap your hands sAY YEAH! its gonna be a riot a-go-go hahahaha!

you can tryout the in construction version, its under LINKS

for now, you can join me and indulge in my tell me honestly mix 03

this third installment is what i call my 'personal radio disease'

a kind of repeat mode syndrome, if you know what i mean

if you don't, just remember,

when in times of uncretainty, crANK UP thE vOLuME!

mister pink's tell me honestly mix 03

click here to download MP3 File


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